Monday, March 29, 2010


So we are coming up on 2 years. And this weekend we are having a little getaway. It is really exciting. One reason is that I had nothing to do with the planning. Great husband...check. Another reason is that my Easter weekend and his long weekend fell on our anniversary. Five blissful days off ...check.

It also happens to be his birthday. Yes, he will never forget our anniversary which is great. Until I realized that his one day that is his own he now shares our anniversary with. And it is a little overshadowed by the anniversary. So I am working on something for his birthday. Make it all about him...since he was so willing to share his day.

We have been together almost 6 years this April. So I just thought I would share a few pictures of us.
1.) Our First Valentine's Day as a married couple.
2.) At church he made an ACTS Retreat.
3.) We were still dating.
4.) Garden of the Gods in Colorado.

5.) Our Wedding Day.

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