Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Preparing the Soil.......

The title comes from being a farmer's kid. You prepare now for what you want in the future. I love watching the show Extreme Couponing when I catch it. I also love watching the Suze Orman show, Dave Ramsey and Till Debt Do Us Part. Yes, it is a little dorky but if you know anything about me I love to save money. I read every article I can about saving money , how to become a millionaire, preparing a nice nest egg, pretty much anything that has to do with money and future financial freedom. I think I have been doing good so far but there is always more to learn.

I would love to be super financially stable and get to retire at a young age. The other part of that is that I know I won't stop working because of who my parents are and how they raised me. But one day I really would like to retire and have enough money in my "pocket" to really enjoy it.

I know that if I want to live comfortable in the future I have to be smart now. This includes grocery shopping. So I am not planning on becoming an extreme couponer but I do plan on using coupons and using my mom's techniques of shopping and freezing. I also want to get better at meal planning. Meal planning is becoming important for me right now because I feel a little short handed on time since having E. I want to be smart with my time and use it wisely so that I am enjoying her as much as possible.

So I am not exactly extreme couponing but who doesn't want to save a buck when they can. My mom was an amazing shopper, heck she still is. She feed 11 kids 8 of which were boys. That was a lot of mouths to feed. So she is savvy. When things were on sale she bought and froze everything. Everything that could be frozen was.

So I have been planning meals, buying stuff on sale, freezing prepared meals, and using things in my pantry. I do not want to have stock piles of grocery items and never use them either but I want to be prepared and smart about what I do buy.

Here is to being savvy while grocery shopping, couponing, meal planning and keeping a budget.
Here is to preparing the soil for a bountiful harvest!!!

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